Foundation of Purpose

Our Vision

To be at the forefront of sustainable transformation by ESG principles CSRD requirements, driving progress in accordance with the EU Green Deal.

Our Mission

To champion global sustainability by incorporating advanced technology and innovative methodologies, ensuring compliance with ESG and CSRD standards.

Why You Should Join the Energy Council

Join us in leading the charge towards a sustainable future, where innovation and collaboration pave the way for a greener and more efficient energy landscape.
Slide - Green Deal

At the Energy Council, we champion the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices to revolutionize energy consumption and reduce our carbon footprint.

Slide - Sustainability
Green Deal

We actively support the goals of the EU Green Deal by fostering initiatives that promote renewable energy and drive the transition to a low-carbon economy.

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Our commitment to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) ensures that our members adhere to the highest standards of sustainability and transparency, building a foundation of trust and integrity.

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Council Members & Experts

Florian Von Tucher EUTECH Representative
Mohamed Gharbi Council Member
Environmental & Sustainability Consulting
Marius Raabe Council Expert
Extended management of the M&P Nordgrupp at Mull und Partner
Antonio Rodríguez Solano Council Member
International Project Director at NextCity Labs
Arseny Tarasov Dragon Head
Global CEO at HiPer it!
Thomas Rieger Council Member
CEO at Solarkiosk Solutions GmbH
Saima Abrar Coordinator
Energy Council

Upcoming Webinars

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